Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thanksgiving Hits and Misses

When I was reading the Cooking Light blogs, they used to have posts about "Hits and Misses" or things that were really great and then the not-so-great. What were yours this year? We all live across the country, and it would be fun to hear what everyone else did this year.

Here are some of my "hits":
Apple Cider Brined Turkey
Savory Herb Turkey Gravy
Calico Cabbage Salad
Coconut Cream Pie
Pumpkin Pie from our own garden pumpkins:)
Cranberry Jello with orange zest, pineapple, and a cream cheese whipped topping mix

And some of the "misses":
Rhubarb Pie (it never set up)
Stuffing (my own concoction- too many apples)
Ginger Ale/Juice Mix - a little too strong for me

We had some friends over and she brought some corn that was flavored with chili powder, butter, mayo, and parmesan cheese- it was delicious and I will try to replicate that one!

I am excited to hear about everyone's experiences and post some pictures if you have them!